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About Us

Our Mission

To reduce animal abuse or cruelty whether it is done by omission or thru commission. Working  directly at community level with animal owners to provide hands on assistance to improve the working conditions, environment, health, everyday life and change the negative and unfeeling  way animals are seen or looked at while,  bringing  an end an unending cycle, passed on from generation to generation of mistreatment, abandonment and malice, as an acceptable way to treat animals.

Our Strategy

The Association for Animal Welfare in Nicaragua is a non-profit, community focused organization that works and operates in the poorest neighborhoods of Nicaragua, bringing health, compassion and love, thru “hands on” and community backed participatory activities, directed at working cart horses, dogs, cats and fighting cocks.


  • We work with thousands of families; bringing veterinary services, education, equipment and training to promote respect, love and improve the life and livelihood of animal in their interaction with their family.


  • We operate a rehabilitation center and shelter, to house the pets and working animals that have been abandoned, given away, or were so singularly mistreated that, no one will adopt.


  • We have begun a campaign to reduce cock fighting in Nicaragua, thru peer and community pressure, focused at fighting cock owners and fighting ring owners.


  • We believe that to be effective in our work and responsible to our supporters and their funding, that one has to live and work, within the communities, into which we want to bring change. We don’t talk about it we do it.

Our Vision

To bring health, good management practices and care to working animals and pets, while helping their owners thru education and hands on assistance  to develop a caring and mutually beneficial relationship with each other. Helping other to understand that animals are sentient beings that require the care and love of their owners, to develop and grow in an environment for which the owner is responsible.

Our History

The seed that was planted by UK based charity World Horse Welfare (WHW) in 2011, gives rise to the Association for Animal Welfare in Nicaragua.


Whereas WHW focused their welfare programs entirely on equines (horses, mules and burros), and particularly working horses (horses that pull carts transporting materials, merchandise and people), Nicaraguan working horse owners were continuously requesting, that the local veterinary and community training team also provide basic first aid to their pets and other farm animals and as well as training, on good management practices, welfare and husbandry.


This and the continuous flow of community members, travelling to the project´s Center, with the same needs, was answered by the creation of a Nicaraguan operated, animal care and welfare program and rehabilitation shelter, open to all species in need of help.

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